Monthly Archives: August 2015

Online Accounting with Xero

xero-certified-advisor-logo-hires-RGBLast week I introduced you to Xero – Beautiful Accounting Software. Today sees the first of many up coming posts regarding the features of the software and the reasons why I love working with it.

Xero is on online accounting tool – with Xero, you can run the financial side of your business and access your financial records from your Mac, PC, tablet or phone, no matter where you are in the world.

One of the great features for accountants is that our clients can invite us to be an advisor to their file so we are able to view the accounts and provide valuable real-time advice.

In addition, your data is stored in the cloud, always backed up securely and always with up to date software – so you don’t need to worry if your computer is lost or stolen.

One of the key features making Xero a real time saver and invaluable tool for your business is being able to connect your bank account to Xero.  By activating the bank feed option, you can get your latest bank, credit card and PayPal transactions imported and categorised so your only job is to click “OK” to reconcile!

If you’d like to know more about how easy Xero is to use, Contact me!
