Kudos to entrepreneurs

I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate everyone who runs their own business – no matter how big or how small!

I was in one of my mind wandering states recently and was discussing (in my head) an analogy for “putting yourself out there”, and I recalled a situation when I left home at 5pm to travel two hours to attend an event where I knew no-one and then travelled two hours home again.

It was one of those times as a business owner where I had to lift myself from doubt and push myself into the right gear to get there and participate, because that is what we do.

To each and every one of you who do what needs to be done (like working 60 hours a week for yourself so you don’t have to work 40 hours a week for someone else??), CONGRATULATIONS – you really do help make the world go round.

Send a shout out here to a business owner you know who needs reminding that they’re doing good, I’d love to be able to support them too.


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