Happy 5th anniversary to me!

On this day, some five years ago, I woke for the first time as a self-employed woman.

I had officially finished my time in paid employment, I had no clear direction about what I wanted to do or how I wanted to do it, yet somehow, I haven’t looked back*!

In my business life, no two weeks are the same.  I juggle my list of commitments and satisfy my appetite for diversity while meeting client commitments and keeping on top of the never-ending stream of emails and education requirements.  Seriously – who would sign up for this?

I have learned many lessons in this time.  I’ve experienced the highs and the lows of being a business owner, I witnessed the best of people and the worst, and I’ve performed at my best and I’ve performed at my worst – I am after all a human being.

But I am still standing, and of that I am super duper proud!

For now I will dream of paid public holidays and annual leave, but want to say, to everyone who has supported me over these five years, particularly my family, I thank you.

*this is a blatant lie – there have been many times I’ve been curled up in a ball crying my eyes out and ready to consider throwing in the towel, but determination and a desire to be my best keeps me going.

PS 2018 is shaping up to be a great year, I best buckle my seatbelt and get ready for the ride, but first I have a small surgery today so my celebrating might have to wait for another day…



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