Monthly Archives: November 2015

White Ribbon Day 2015

First let me apologise for the quality of this picture…if I’d realised at the time that I might use it in a post, I promise I would have made more of an effort!!

But I don’t need to apologise for the campaign itself…The Tax Chic is pleased to support Australia’s campaign to stop violence against women.

In Warrnambool, a number of businesses and organisations have sponsored one of our famous Norfolk pine trees along Liebig Street – each tree is wrapped with a reusable white banner and includes a key message about the prevention of violence against women.

The other organisations and businesses who are part of this campaign (in no particular order) are:

  • Warrnambool Primary School
  • Brophy Family and Youth Services
  • Warrnambool City Council
  • South West Sport
  • Emma House Domestic Violence Service
  • Wannon Water
  • Southwest Carer Respite
  • Logos Ahead
  • Centre Care
  • Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West Inc
  • South West Primary Care Partnership
  • 3YB/Coast FM – part of the Ace Radio network
  • South West TAFE
  • The Standard
  • Girl Guides
  • Victorian State Government – Child Protection
  • Rotary Club of Warrnambool
  • Warrnambool Central Rotary Club
  • Lyndoch Living
  • Taits Legal
  • Victoria Legal Aid
  • South West Healthcare
  • Deakin University
  • Mumford Guitars
  • Warrnambool Wolves Football Club
  • Aussie Broadband

Please support them when you can!

The campaign runs from 9-27 November and White Ribbon Day will be recognised on Wednesday 25 November.



Xero Customer Stories

xero-certified-advisor-logo-hires-RGBYou may have noticed that due to my lack of motivation early in the week, “Xero Monday” didn’t happen…but never fear, here it is today instead!

One of the most positive things about Xero is that when clients start to use the software, and they can see results right in front of their eyes – they want to shout it from the rooftop!

The team at Xero have compiled a few stories from around the world to share with you, and if you are considering Xero, hearing them may just convince you to take the next step…

You can view the stories as a series of videos here.

When you’re ready to get started, make sure you contact The Tax Chic!




motivationCan someone please point me in the direction of my motivation?

I’m sure you’re thinking that I’ve just had 3 weeks off so I should be nice and refreshed – but in all honesty I’m feeling flat…

My time in Paris was sensational, but I simply didn’t stop!

I wanted to see as much as I could while I was there, and my course was quite emotional – add to that the combination of jetlag, a family funeral on my return and the terrible events in Paris over the weekend…and I guess it’s no wonder I’m not my usual sparky self?

So what am I going to do about it?

Here’s my top tips for getting motivated, both after a holiday/break from work, and in general in you feel you need a boost:

  1. Start your day with some exercise – just 20 minutes of fresh air can do wonders
  2. Write a list and cross off items as they are completed – just make sure it’s achievable
  3. Prepare a reward system – if it helps to keep you motivated, don’t be afraid to use that cup of coffee, piece of chocolate or special treat as a reward for task completion
  4. Breathe… – a clear mind (and a clear desk for that matter) will help you see and comprehend what needs to be done now, and what can wait a while

Remember to give yourself a break too – no one can be expected to be on top of their game all of the time, acknowledge you aren’t feeling the best then move forward.

Note: if you continue to feel unmotivated, I encourage you to talk with someone…please don’t feel you are alone.



Home, sweet home!

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ah yes, home sweet home – as you read this I have hopefully just arrived home and am snuggled into my bed for a snooze…(let’s hope!)

As much as I love travel and exploring new places and meeting new people, it’s always nice to come home to familiar sights and sounds and of course to hug the people you are close to.

This trip was another way for me to push myself outside my comfort zone – you know they say “that’s where the magic happens”…?

I was a hearing impaired traveller, out and about on my own, trying new things and I am very grateful I had the chance to do so – I can’t wait to put everything I learned into action!

And if you know how I operate, you’ll know I’m about to throw that challenge out to you – there’s still time to move out of your comfort zone in 2015, if you need a hand (or a push or a shove…) just let me know!

PS It’s back to the office for me on Monday, apologies in advance if I’m a little slow…
